Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Global Financial Crisis and Juan Dela Cruz

Almost every country throughout the world has been dragged by the domino effects of the Global Financial Crisis. Even those leading and dominant countries, whose economy is the standards and basis of other nations, are not spared by these excruciating phenomena. The United States and the European Union even admitted that they are findings ways to solve this problem, and tries it best to lessen the effects especially on the third world countries.

I am not really that articulate when it comes to exact figures and details, but based on my own perspective I formulated a query on how this would affect on the grassroots level. Since Philippines is partially dependent on the United States of America in terms of trade relations, political issues and international campaigns, I think this would also dragged us into what US had been suffering today.

I could not even imagine, even before the so called Financial Crisis, many of the Filipinos are living below poverty line, becomes poorer and poorer while on the contrast of the Bureaucratic Elites that greed fully accommodating riches. Before the aforementioned crisis I remembered the thing US backed as Globalization, which is mainly supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

It had sprouted much opposition from different sectors of the society, mainly the common masses. Going back in today’s crisis, I think it is the price the America must pay for its neo-colonizing other nations and even controlling there economies.

Filipinos are sometimes being desperate, and migrated to other countries such as birminghamsearchpeople, to find a more secure place of tenure.